One of the best thing in life is knowing part of your purpose to a good cause.  I’m so happy to share with my drawing skills to be part in contributing a small percentage of the global issue by simple sharing and creating an illustration for awareness.

As a permaculture designer-food grower-producer and multimedia specialist, I will personally create a series of environmental illustrations for awareness towards Earth Care. 

Environmental Issue: Frog’s declining no of population and their species
Contribution Help-Action: Illustration Campaign Awareness


Drawing Sketch

STYLE: Stick figure illustration

In the first of the environmental series illustration, I choose to draw and illustrate our beneficial garden friend – Mr. Froggy.

My Froggy Frog Frog friend

I love doing the simple freehand drawing, especially stick figure drawing, for the fact that it is soo easy to achieve as it requires few strokes and details. 

Recommended Drawing Illustration Skills set and production-based training:

Language ‏ : ‎ English
Author-Trainer‏ : ‎ Joepe Torregosa, Jr.
ONSITE‏ : ‎ Department of Science and Technology Region 7 Training-Conference Center, Sudlon, Lahug, Cebu City 6000
ONLINE ‏ : ‎ Subscription-based Elearning Modules (Currently on set-up)
OFFLINE ‏ : ‎ Interactive Ebook (Corrently on the process of ISBN)


Digitalization and Enhancement

All drawing illustrations from the notebook are then process for digitalization through either picture photographing using smartphone or scanner.  And from the scanned or photographed image we then convert it to a vector-based graphic software – Adobe Illustrator.

Converting raster-based file formats such as photos is quite challenging as it entails a lot of image and enhancement and tone modification.  The process is a bit too long.  If you don’t have much knowledge and experience in photography it will be somehow tedious in the editing process prior to converting it to a vector image.

Instead of enhancing the image or converting the image from its original structure, place or import the scanned image in Adobe Illustrator and trace it using its native tools for a much better output ready for print or screen distribution.

Digital Communication, Publishing and Distribution


Distributing your work to a different format of visual presentation is so easy if you have planned it well your target distribution channel.  In my process, I plan and study ahead of time. I shoot my illustration drawing with the actual sketch notebook so I can use it as a canvass background in my infographic format.

Digital Communication, Publishing and Distribution

merchandize application

To put this awareness illustration design into action I’ve managed to create a merchandise print design format.

We are now currently on the process of producing our own merch through either 3rd party partner in the regions or internationally.

Proceeds of our merch will be keep for a good cause in helping the environment through techknowledge sharing for free in either print or online.

Keep posted.

We will be posting as well our “How to” article in doing the t-shirt printing in our youtube channel soon.


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